smiling1Do you cover your mouth when you laugh? Do you find yourself trying to hide when someone breaks out a camera? Many people suffer from a variety of dental imperfections. Crooked teeth, underbites, gaps between teeth, overbites, and crowding can all leave a person feeling self-conscious about his/her smile. At Aesthetic Orthodontics, we understand the importance of a beautiful smile and offer the latest in inconspicuous smile correction. In today’s blog, your Beverly Hills orthodontist, Dr. David Alpan, discusses our techniques for improving the beauty of your smile.

Free Consultation

First, Dr. Aplan will sit down with you to discuss your smile goals. Dr. Alpan wants to know his patients’ wants and goals to ensure we provide the care necessary to transform their smiles. After that, Dr. Alpan will provide a free orthodontic consultation. Dr. Alpan will perform a thorough examination to decide which course of treatment will best improve your dental health.

Innovative Smile Correction

At Aesthetic Orthodontics, your Beverly Hills orthodontist provides an array of smile correction techniques. Our restorative procedures include:

  • Invisalign: This system uses clear plastic aligners instead of metal brackets and wires. The aligners gradually and gently reposition teeth, moving them to optional placement and boosting the appearance of your smile.
  • Damon Braces: The Damon system employs self-ligating braces to provide a faster and more comfortable treatment time. The metal brackets and wires are smaller than traditional braces and less noticeable.
  • Incognito Lingual Braces: The brackets and wires will be placed on the lingual, or tongue facing, side of your teeth. As a result, your braces will be completely invisible.

Schedule an Appointment with Your Beverly Hills Orthodontist

Interested in improving the appearance of your teeth? Then talk to your Beverly Hills orthodontist today. Dr. Alpan will perform a thorough examination to assess the state of your dental health He can then recommend the most appropriate orthodontic treatment to address your smile issues. To make an appointment with Dr. David Alpan call (310) 888-0066 for a free initial consultation. Our 90211 dental office provides the latest in orthodontic care for the residents of Beverly Hills and surrounding communities. We also have offices located in Los Angeles and Las Vegas.