Bethany Hamilton - Damon Braces Before and After

Bethany Hamilton – Before and After Damon System Braces

The story of Bethany Hamilton is one of inspiration, courage, and determination.  Bethany won her first surfing competition in both long board and short board at  a mere 8 years old, sparking her passion for competitive surfing. On October 31, 2003, Bethany was attacked by a 14-foot tiger shark while surfing off the north shore of Kauai, leaving her with a severed left arm. Only one month after the incident, Bethany was back in the water pursuing her dream of being a professional surfer, winning her first national title just one year after the attack. In 2007, she fulfilled her dream of going pro, and today, Bethany is more than a championship surfer. Subject of the recent film, Soul Surfer Movie, she travels all over the world sharing her incredible story about faith, hope and overcoming whatever life throws your way.

Several years ago Bethany was treated with Damon System braces and, much like her surfing accomplishments, she achieved amazing results with her smile. So, what are Damon braces?  Damon System self-ligating braces (no elastic ties to hold the arch wire in place) are smaller than regular braces, more comfortable to the lips and cheek, and use a slide mechanism that eliminates the friction that elastics can cause. Teeth move faster and require fewer adjustments, shorter appointment times, and shorter total treatment time. Regular braces (metal braces, gold braces, lingual braces, hidden braces or invisible custom-made Incognito Braces) require elastics to hold arch wires in place. Elastics are like bungee cords, which cause friction and pressure, making treatment slower and less comfortable. If you take a look at the picture below, you can see the elastics around the traditional brackets.  On the right, you can see the Damon brackets.  These specific brackets are clear on top and metal on the bottom.  They also come in all metal, or all clear, giving you many aesthetic options.

Regular Braces vs. Damon Braces

Regular Braces (Left) vs. Damon Braces (Right)

Bethany Hamilton’s story is truly inspirational, and her smile is infectious.  If you are interested in learning more about Damon System braces and are eager to smile with the confidence that Bethany does, come into Aesthetic Orthodontics for a free consultation.  We specialize in the Damon System and would love to help you achieve the results that you desire in your smile.