Not a lot of people like to floss their teeth, but flossing is essential to proper dental hygiene. Your toothbrush does not reach all of the spaces between your teeth, and a lot of bacteria can build up here leading to dental caries and gum disease.

Flossing can be quick and painless if done correctly and made a habit.

You have two material options when it comes to floss, nylon and PTFE. Most people use nylon because it’s cheaper, but some opt for PTFE because it can be softer on the gums and is more durable. Both are effective.

Remove at least 18 inches (1 1/2 feet) of floss from the dispenser, wrap the floss and then hold it between your thumb on one hand, and your forefinger on the other so that it is taut. There should be 1-2 inches of usable floss between the hands.

Move the floss in a back and forth motion, up and down the space between each individual tooth to remove plaque and dislodge any food particles that may be lodged in between the teeth. Slide the floss up and down the surface of each tooth and around the gum line.

It’s that simple. Don’t rush your way through flossing. Try to keep your mind on the task at hand and do a thorough job. Throw out the floss when you are done and voila! Beautifully flossed teeth. Nothing to it.