LAS VEGAS, NEVADA-Halloween and its sugary goodness is coming soon but we don’t want you to land yourself in the office because of a broken appliance, so Dr. David Alpan is helping you brush up on orthodontic health and what treats can be enjoyed without breaking brackets or wires.

“We’re well aware that the majority of kids-and be honest, adults too-will indulge in the trick or treating loot,” says Dr. Alpan, who is a Las Vegas braces provider. “We just want them to enjoy Halloween candy carefully and in moderation so they don’t damage braces or wind up with cavities.”

Broken appliances can throw off treatment schedules, meaning you’re wearing braces longer, or it can damage teeth causing the bull’s eye effect.

Here are some tips for celebrating Halloween without your mouth getting scary:

  • Come up with other ways to have fun that isn’t food-focused, like decorating your mouth with colorful ties or bands on metal braces.
  • Get a sweet deal by participating in a candy buy back event and swapping in the goodies for cash. These events usually donate candy to organizations like Operation Gratitude that include the candy care packages sent to people in the U.S. military and their families.
  • Unless you’re wearing removable aligners like Invisalign, you will have to modify how you eat certain kinds of candy. In many cases, there is no need to miss out. For instance, instead of eating a candied apple off the stick, you can slice the apple into thin pieces. Instead of biting off pieces of toffee, crush them up and sprinkle on pudding or ice cream. Switch from chewing on chunks of caramel to enjoying a creamy caramel sauce.
  • Chocolate is usually a safe bet for fixed braces wearers, as long as it doesn’t have nuts or hard caramel in it.
  • Consider trying new candy that doesn’t have hard, sticky ingredients. You might discover a new favorite.
  • Brush teeth as soon as possible after eating with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.

“Sugar is bad for your teeth because it creates an environment conducive for cavity- and bad breath-causing bacteria that lead to tooth erosion and cavities,” says Dr. Alpan, a kids’ orthodontist who also offers orthodontics for adults. “So it is very important that you keep teeth clean otherwise you could wind up with cavities or white spots on teeth when the braces are removed.”

People with fixed braces need to brush their teeth for five minutes three times a day for healthier teeth, good breath, fewer cavities and to avoid painful dental problems.

It’s estimated that people spent $2.3 billion on Halloween candy last year,” says Dr. Alpan, a Las Vegas Invisalign expert. “If you’re going to eat any of the candy that will be purchased this year, just be sure to follow proper orthodontic health guidelines to stay healthy and avoid breaking appliances.”

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