Girl-on-HammockOrthodontic work corrects irregularities in the teeth, and moves them into an optimal position. Once a procedure many considered only for adolescents and teenagers, many people that did not receive orthodontic work when they were younger opt for braces later in life. However, children are still among the top candidates for braces. Dr. David Alpan, your orthodontist in Beverly Hills, CA, will explain some of the options available for children’s braces.

Traditional Braces: A Classic

Traditional braces may not make people jump for joy, but they have a history of straightening and aligning smiles that cannot be argued. You have probably seen them so often on teenagers that you hardly notice a tin grin when you see one. Comprised of brackets and wires, braces are designed to exert constant gentle force on teeth, which will alter their position over time. The brackets on braces can be made of metal or ceramic material. Ceramic brackets blend in to the color of the child’s teeth to make them less visible, but the wire going through the brackets will still have a silver appearance. The average amount of time traditional braces are worn is two years.

Lingual Braces are Inconspicuous

Lingual refers to the inner surfaces of teeth. Lingual braces are attached to those surfaces for more inconspicuous orthodontic work. Having teeth straightened without having to feel like your smile is distracting can be a huge advantage, even for younger children. Specialists trained in providing patients with lingual braces are harder to come by than orthodontists that are knowledgeable in traditional braces. The process of preparing for lingual braces can be a bit more involved, as the materials require greater customization to the patient’s teeth. In terms of the length of time needed to see results, however, lingual braces generally take about the same amount of time as their traditional counterparts.

About Dr. Alpan

With offices in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills, Alpan Orthodontics has proudly served patients and their families from all surrounding communities since 1999. To schedule your orthodontic consultation, contact our Los Angeles office at 213-513-7559 to find the location nearest to you.