brushing-teeth-with-bracesWith today’s impressive array of technological and dental advancements, there are few oral health issues that cannot be effectively corrected with the appropriate treatment. Nevertheless, given the extent of damage that unchecked dental diseases can cause, prevention remains the most effective method for preserving your smile, especially since teeth can’t repair themselves when compromised. Practicing good hygiene at home is the cornerstone of excellent dental health, but without regular professional care and maintenance, your toothbrush and floss may fall short of protecting your smile from dental diseases. Patients with misaligned teeth, or who wear braces to correct malocclusion, are especially at risk for dental issues, which stem from plaque that can hide between braces and the odd crevices created by crooked teeth. As Beverly Hills orthodontist, Dr. David Alpan, warns his patients, good hygiene while wearing braces is a vital part of successful orthodontic treatment.

Fighting Dental Plaque

Although tooth decay and gum disease can be quite destructive in their severe stages, they both begin as minor bacterial infections resulting from excessive plaque buildup. The sticky substance contains hundreds of kinds of oral bacteria, some of which directly attack oral tissues and make them vulnerable to bacterial infections. Brushing and flossing usually helps control plaque and bacteria buildup, but spots that are hidden between crooked teeth or behind and around the components of braces can be difficult to remove, facilitating the formation of dental issues that can disrupt successful orthodontic treatment. Dr. Alpan will provide case-specific instructions and tools to each patient for maximizing home hygiene, as well as how often to attend routine examinations and cleanings throughout the course of your treatment.

Lending a Professional Hand

During a typical dental checkup and cleaning, your dentist or dental hygienist will remove residual traces of plaque that you might have missed, as well as plaque’s calcified, more stubborn form, tartar. Through the eyes of a professional, the early signs of tooth decay and gum disease are more easily detected and diagnosed, allowing for preemptive treatment to prevent the damage that progressing dental diseases leave in their wake.

About Dr. Alpan:

With offices in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills,  Alpan Orthodontics has proudly served patients and their families from all surrounding communities since 1999. To schedule your orthodontic consultation, contact our Los Angeles office at 213-513-7559 to find the location nearest to you.