Airway Orthodontics in
Los Angeles
Recognizing your sleep is a very important part of healing and regenerating your body is the first step to overall health. Dr. Alpan has been treating airway related issues for two decades and has seen incredible life changing health improvements with his treatments.
Airway Orthodontics in Los Angeles
Recognizing your sleep is a very important part of healing and regenerating your body is the first step to overall health. Dr. Alpan has been treating airway related issues for two decades and has seen incredible life changing health improvements with his treatments.
Sleep Better
Get your full night’s rest, so you can wake up refreshed every day.
Breathe Better
Dr. Alpan has used Airway Orthodontics to treat thousands of patients in LA.
Live Better
Prevent health problems like fatigue and diabetes.
Stop Depriving Yourself of Sleep and Health!
Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night & could not go back to sleep? Do you wake up multiple times to use the bathroom? Do you toss & turn at night? Do you wake up feeling tired & restless or rested & relaxed? Do you feel tired in the middle of the day? Do you generally feel fatigued? Do you notice your children are restless and not attentive? Does your child urinate in their bed at night while sleeping? Does your child suffer from fatigue, attention deficit disorder (ADD), or digestion issues? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this may be a sign to have your Airway evaluated by Dr. Alpan.
An Orthodontic Team You Can Rely On
As we age & become older, our sleeping pattern changes once again. Specifically, the amount of time we spend in a deep sleep is significantly altered. We tend to sleep much lighter as we age, unfortunately. From mid to late-life people tend to awaken more throughout the night. The stages of sleep appear to stay mostly constant after infancy. These disruptions in sleep cause older people to lose more & more Stage 1 & Stage 2 Non-REM sleep (REM meaning Rapid Eye Movement which is needed to stay youthful and feel regenerated upon waking). Everyone has heard of getting their beauty rest and if you don’t sleep you can’t perform properly. With Alpan Orthodontics, we can restore your health and give you the sleep you desire.
It’s Easy to Get Started
If you are suffering from sleep related or airway issues you may need a 3D CBCT scan to screen or evaluate if there is some airway obstruction. If we see some obstruction we would then follow up with a take home sleep study or a scheduled sleep evaluation at a sleep center. If you are not feeling rested in the morning & you feel tired throughout your day, start to evaluate the quality of your sleep. When people have obstructive sleep apnea they will experience hypoxic (no breathing) events at night which completely stop their breathing for some period of time.
Dr. Alpan wants to help prevent health related problems by offering Airway Orthodontics as a solution to OSA and sleep related health problems, set up your consultation online or call us at your convenience.
Step 1. Discover
Step 2. Relax
Step 3. Smile
Meet Dr. Alpan – Top Invisalign Specialist in Los Angeles
Dr. Alpan earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from the University of the Pacific (UOP) School of Dentistry in San Francisco and became licensed to practice dentistry in California and Nevada in 1996. After completing his orthodontic training program at UOP in 1998, he received his Orthodontic Specialty Certificate. He earned his Master’s of Science degree in Dentistry (MSD), and wrote his master’s thesis on the results of a two-year TMJ research project. Dr. Alpan is a speaker and leading expert KOL (Key Opinion Leader) for many technology companies like Acceledent, Propel & Light Force. Dr. Alpan customizes each smile to your unique features and refers to himself as a “Smile Designer.”
Meet Dr. Memsic
Dr. Robert earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree in 1972 from Loyola University Chicago Dental School. He attended a postgraduate orthodontic residency program at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1974. He practiced in the Koreatown area for over 40 years helping thousands of patients improve their bite and smile. In addition to managing his own private practice, he also held the position of Assistant Clinical Professor at University of Southern California (USC) Dental School. He taught at USC dental school for a total of 35 years and all his students loved him.
We are
where you are.
With offices in Los Angeles, Century City, and Woodland Hills, you can easily find an Alpan Orthodontics office that works for you!
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