woman-with-straight-smileWhile straightening crooked teeth is a vital concern to your good oral health, there’s no denying the fact that your teeth’s orientation also has a significant impact on your smile’s appearance. As a result, many older teeth and adult patients are more driven to straighten their teeth out of cosmetic concerns, and therefore, may be a bit apprehensive about traditional orthodontic treatment (metal braces). Today, your Beverly Hills orthodontist, Dr. David Alpan, explains how Invisalign clear braces can offer the benefits of a straighter smile while appealing to your cosmetic sensibilities by remaining virtually invisible.

Braces that No One Can See!

There are a number of discrete orthodontic treatments, including tooth-colored brackets and wires, or brackets placed behind your teeth, instead of in front. Ideally, however, many patients would prefer not to deal with brackets and wires at all. For these patients, Dr. Alpan may recommend Invisalign, which eschews the traditional bracket-and-wire construction in favor of a series of clear acrylic aligners. Also referred to as clear braces, your aligners are custom-designed to fit snugly over your teeth, gently forcing them into their proper position while remaining undetectable.

When Discretion Meets Convenience

The additional benefit of Invisalign clear aligners is that they’re also removable, so you don’t have to drastically alter your eating and dental hygiene habits (unless they need improvement for your oral health’s sake). You can also temporarily remove your aligners for an important social function or business meeting to ensure your utmost confidence; however, you must wear your aligners for the directed amount of time every day for them to prove effective.

Learn More About Invisalign Clear Braces from Your Beverly Hills Orthodontist

To learn more about Invisalign clear braces or any of our other discrete orthodontic options, schedule an appointment with your Beverly Hills orthodontist by calling (310) 888-0066 today for a free initial consultation. Located in the 90211 area, we proudly serve patients across Beverly Hills and all surrounding communities.  For your convenience, we also have orthodontic offices in Los Angeles and Los Vegas.