LAS VEGAS, NEVADA-Even though one in three orthodontic patients is an adult, many adults are still uncertain about fixing dental imperfections with orthodontics for one reason or another.

“What we’re trying to show adults interested in orthodontics is that many of their objections are actually misperceptions of orthodontic treatment,” says Dr. David Alpan, who is a Las Vegas invisible braces provider.

Braces can be used at any age as long as the teeth, gum tissue and bone are healthy. We have seen a big increase in men, lawyers, doctors and other business professionals getting treatment at our practice, especially in Los Angeles where celebrities have made braces for adults more commonplace.

“Orthodontics can be very empowering for people who have been self-conscious or embarrassed about their smile because they are able to change something they didn’t like about themselves and improve their dental health in the process,” he says.

Why Are Adults Reluctant To Get Braces?

There are four reasons that we hear a lot of adults give for not pursuing orthodontic treatment or not pursuing it sooner. The good news is that all of them are actually myths about orthodontic treatment.

  1. They think braces will get in the way of their professional or personal life.

    Braces come in all sizes, shapes and colors, which give adult patients versatile and discreet options. There are several treatment methods that are virtually invisible, including Invisalign, Incognito and Damon system braces.

    “It is quite possible for you to go through orthodontic treatment without anyone seeing anything except your beautiful, more confident smile,” says Dr. Alpan, who has been considered among the top three Invisalign providers worldwide since 2000.

    Invisalign is a series of clear, removable aligners that gradually shift teeth into alignment. The aligners are very discreet and can barely be seen. Incognito braces are lingual, meaning they go on the back or tongue side of teeth. Ceramic braces like the Damon system consist of translucent brackets with a regular or translucent archwire and are much less noticeable than traditional metal braces.

  2. They assume treatment will take a long time.

    Some people think that orthodontic treatment is a lengthy process that will take years. Treatment times vary based on the type of malocclusion and treatment method, but the average treatment time of about a year is faster than ever thanks to the latest orthodontic technology. Invisalign offers a treatment for minor imperfections that can be completed in as little as three months.

  3. They fear painful orthodontic treatment.

    Braces are actually smaller and more comfortable now. Research and design for orthodontic appliances have produced smaller, custom-made brackets that cause less irritation to the surrounding gum tissue and specialty brackets that reduce the friction that causes soreness. Many patients report little to no discomfort throughout treatment.

    “You may find that orthodontics relieve pain in the long run because correcting an improper bite often fixes problems caused by the temporomandibular joint,” says Dr. Alpan, who is also a kids’ orthodontist.

    TMJ and muscle disorders, a group of conditions that cause pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint and muscles that control jaw movement, have more than 150 symptoms that have been associated with it. Dr. Alpan is also a TMJD specialist and treats patients with jaw-related problems at all three practice locations.

  4. They figure they can’t afford orthodontics.

    Once you know more about what orthodontic treatment can do, the question might be whether you can afford not to get orthodontics. Treatment fixes dental imperfections that you may feel unhappy about, which can be a big boost to self-confidence, but straight teeth also help you on your way to better overall health. A malocclusion, which means a bad bite, makes proper dental care more difficult and can cause speech impediments, jaw or TMJ pain, difficulty chewing and eating, gum disease, a higher risk of tooth decay, sleep apnea caused by mouth breathing and snoring, grinding or clenching of the teeth.

    Many insurance companies are recognizing how beneficial straight teeth can be to overall health and have added partial or full coverage for orthodontic treatment. We are more than happy to help you find out if you are covered by your insurance for braces. We also offer a variety of payment options if you need to finance the portion not covered by insurance. We accept credit cards and offer no-interest, in-house financing plans and low-interest, third-party financing.

So what are you waiting for? Contact us today to schedule a free orthodontic consultation with Dr. Alpan to find out how orthodontics can change your life.
