nov041It is never too late to perfect your smile, and straight teeth can improve an adult’s social and professional life. Still, many adults are apprehensive when making a decision to undergo an orthodontic procedure. Because of this, Dr. David Alpan seeks to address your concerns and questions regarding braces.

Aren’t I too old for braces?

People of all ages rely on orthodontic treatment to help them achieve the straight, beautiful smile they’ve always wanted. Properly aligned teeth increase confidence, but braces help patients attain more than an aesthetically pleasing smile. Crooked teeth can have adverse effects to the way you chew and talk. The effects worsen over time, and crooked teeth can contribute to periodontal disease and premature wear of tooth enamel. Many adults choose braces to straighten their teeth. In fact, one-third of our patients are adults.

Do I have options other than metal braces?

Many adults and teens hesitate to inquire about orthodontic treatment for fear of looking silly in traditional metal braces. Our office provides other options. Dr. Alpan has treated more than 1,000 patients with Invisalign, which features a series of customized, removable aligners. The aligners, made of a medical-grade clear plastic, are almost invisible when worn. You will change the aligners every few weeks to gradually move teeth into place. Patients may also want to consider Incognito Hidden Braces, which contour to hug the lingual surface of teeth. They cannot be seen from the front.

Aren’t braces expensive?

At our office, money should never be a deterrent to anyone considering braces. Cost of braces will be discussed during a free initial consultation. The price of braces varies, depending on the type of braces you want and the complexity of your orthodontic case. We use modern materials and techniques, which allow us to perform the necessary procedures in fewer visits. One benefit of this is that it could make your orthodontic treatment more affordable. We can offer several payment plans, according to your budget, including: interest-free financing with an appropriate down payment; outside financing with no down payment, with low monthly fees paid throughout the course of treatment; and discounts for paying for treatment in full. We accept all major credit cards for automatic recurring payments, and we accept most major insurance plans.

About the Author: Dr. David Alpan founded Alpan Orthodontics in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills in 1999. To schedule an appointment, please call his office at (310) 888-0066.