smiling1Dental misalignment can often make people feel self-conscious. Crooked teeth, unsightly gaps, and overbites and underbites can affect the appearance of their smiles. Many people assume their only course of action for addressing misalignment is with traditional orthodontics. Fortunately, at Aesthetic Orthodontics, we offer a clear alternative to metal braces. In today’s blog, your Las Vegas dentist, Dr. David Alpan, uses a fun quiz to explain the benefits of Invisalign clear braces.

Invisalign Quiz

1. True or False: Invisalign improves smiles using clear plastic aligners.

2. True or False: The aligners can be removed before meals and special occasions.

3. True or False: The aligners are custom-made and comfortable.

4. True or False: Invisalign can restore smiles in as little time as one year for adult patients.

Invisalign Quiz Answer Key

1. True. Instead of metal brackets and wires, Invisalign employs a series of clear plastic aligners. The patient wears the aligners between 20 and 22 hours a day. Over time, the aligners will gradually and gently reposition his/her teeth. Approximately every two weeks the patient will upgrade to a new set as his/her smile is slowly improved.

2. True. Patients no longer need to avoid certain foods or alter their diets. Removable aligners also make brushing and flossing teeth easier, which helps improve oral hygiene.

3. True. The aligners are custom-made for comfort and accuracy. Patients using Invisalign aligners report a reduction in the gum and cheek irritation often experienced with metal braces.

4. True. The total treatment time for adults is usually one year. For teens, the process may take between 12 and 18 months.

Schedule an Appointment with Your Las Vegas Orthodontist

Would you like to learn more about inconspicuous smile correction with Invisalign? Then talk to your Las Vegas orthodontist today. To make an appointment with Dr. David Alpan call (310) 888-0066 for a free initial consultation. Our 90211 dental office provides the latest in orthodontic care for the residents of Beverly Hills and surrounding communities. We also have offices located in Los Angeles and Las Vegas.