Would you like to obtain a better smile? For many of us, dental issues related to misalignment hinder the appearance of our smiles. At Aesthetic Orthodontics, we provide an array of orthodontic treatment to improve the look and function of your smile. In today’s blog, your Las Vegas orthodontist, Dr. David Alpan, uses a fun quiz to explain how our orthodontic treatment techniques can boost the beauty of your smile.
Better Smiles Quiz
1. True or False: You should first see an orthodontist around age seven.
2. True or False: Your Las Vegas NV orthodontist provides care for both children and adults.
3. True or False: Dr. Alpan provides braces that are smaller and less noticeable.
4. True or False: Invisalign offers practically invisible smile correction.
Answer Key
1. True. Both the American Dental Association and the American Association of Orthodontists recommend an initial appointment around age seven. During this visit, Dr. Alpan will perform a thorough examination to assess the state of your dental health and identify any burgeoning alignment issues.
2. True. Dr. Alpan can begin orthodontic treatment for adults and children as young as seven.
3. True. With the Damon system, patients can obtain self-ligating braces that use smaller brackets and wires. Incognito Hidden Braces actually place the wires and brackets on the back, or lingual side, of the teeth. This allows your orthodontics to remain completely hidden.
4. True. Both teens and adults can take advantage of Invisalign clear braces. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign forgoes wires and brackets in favor of clear plastic aligners. The aligners are removable, comfortable, and can correct your smile in as little as one year.
Schedule an Appointment with Your Las Vegas NV Orthodontist
If you have any questions about our orthodontic techniques, then talk to your Las Vegas NV orthodontist today. Dr. Alpan will decide which of our orthodontic procedures will best improve your smile. To make an appointment with Dr. David Alpan call (310) 888-0066 for a free initial consultation. Our 90211 dental office provides the latest in orthodontic care for the residents of Las Vegas and surrounding communities. We also have offices located in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills.
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