LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA-Our Los Angeles office location received enough reviews on Google+ Local to earn an overall score of 29 out of 30, also called the extraordinary to perfection category.

“We appreciate it when our patients take the time to write a review about us, and we are grateful to have so many wonderful reviews and happy customers,” says Dr. David Alpan, a Los Angeles braces orthodontist.

User reviews are what determine all of the scores in Google+ Local. Individual user ratings are based on a zero to three point scale, ranging from poor or fair to excellent. Once there are enough ratings, Google takes those ratings, averages them, and multiplies by 10 to arrive at an average score.

The online reviews of our practice help other people who are looking for an orthodontist make an informed decision. The simple act of leaving a review can help an undecided person choose Aesthetic Orthodontics when they hear directly from current and former patients what quality of care they can expect and whether patients are happy with their overall experience. It can even help patients choose what type of braces they want when they can read what others thought about their treatment with Incognito braces or Invisalign Teen.

“Potential patients will read these reviews and what you are saying about us can dramatically impact our practice,” says Dr. Alpan, who also provides Las Vegas orthodontics for children, teens and adults.

We would love to have more reviews of our offices on Google+, especially our other two locations in Las Vegas and Beverly Hills that have very few reviews so far. (Las Vegas office  &  Beverly Hills office) Leaving a review is a fast and easy process. You just have to visit the Google+ Local page for the office location you are reviewing, click on the blue box that says “Write A Review,” rate the quality, appeal and service of our practice from zero to three, and write a brief description of your experience and interactions with our staff throughout your treatment process.

“We want to extend a big thank you to all those who have taken the time to write a review of our team and share feedback about their orthodontic experience and the treatment they received,” says Dr. Alpan.

© 2012 Dr. David Alpan and Master Google. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Dr. David Alpan and Master Google are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this press release is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.