girl-smiling-confidentlyMost patients with misaligned teeth (malocclusion) need little more motivation to straighten their teeth than the diminished confidence of a crooked smile. For older teens and adult patients, however, the benefits of a straighter smile are often weighed against the consideration of wearing conspicuous metal braces, which may also affect your personal and professional confidence. At Aesthetic Orthodontics, Dr. David Alpan focuses on improving your smile’s confidence as well as its health and orientation. Today, your Los Angeles orthodontist explains why straightening your teeth is more than just a mere cosmetic concern, and describes how we can help you straighten your teeth discretely with your choice of adult orthodontic treatments.

It’s More than Cosmetics

Crooked teeth are often immediately noticeable, but like many other dental issues, their consequences extend far beyond what the eyes can see. Your mouth’s proper function relies on a delicate balance; the proper alignment of your teeth helps evenly displace the pressure of your bite among your teeth, minimizing the amount of stress your teeth absorb.

If this balance is disturbed, then certain teeth can take the brunt of your bite’s pressure, leading to excessive wear and structural damage that may require extensive restorative treatment to correct. Not to mention, the odd angles and crevices formed by misaligned teeth can provide additional hiding spots for dental plaque accumulate, often out of reach of your toothbrush and floss.

Your Choice of Adult Orthodontic Treatment, with Your Los Angeles Orthodontist

If you wish to straighten your teeth, but are apprehensive about traditional methods of orthodontic treatment, then speak with Dr. David Alpan today about our many choices for discrete, adult orthodontics, such as Invisalign and Incognito. To learn more about the importance of straight teeth, or to speak with Dr. Alpan about your orthodontic options, schedule an appointment with your Los Angeles orthodontist by calling 213-513-7559 today for a free initial consultation. Located in the 90057 area, we proudly serve patients across Los Angeles and all surrounding communities.  For your convenience, we also have orthodontic offices in Beverly Hills in and Las Vegas.