smiling1Do you suffer from dental misalignment? Across American, millions of people have smiles marred by dental imperfections such as crooked teeth, unsightly gaps, or underbites and overbites. Braces provide a solution to dental imperfection, repositioning your teeth, widening your palate, and improving the appearance of your smile. Unfortunately, many people feel that a mouth full of metal braces will be embarrassing. For our imagine-conscious patients, Aesthetic Orthodontics offers a practically invisible procedure that corrects misalignment. In today’s blog, your Los Angeles orthodontist, Dr. David Alpan, uses a fun and informative quiz to discuss the advantages of lingual braces.

Lingual Braces Quiz

1. True or False: Lingual braces are attached to the tongue-facing side of the teeth.

2. True or False: Dr. Alpan offers the Incognito lingual braces system.

3. True or False: Lingual braces offer advantages over traditional metal braces.

4. True or False: Dr. Alpan offers a free consultation.

Answer Key

1. True. Customized metal brackets will first be applied to the back of your teeth using a powerful bonding agent. From there, your Los Angeles orthodontist will attach an arch wire specially shaped for your mouth to the brackets. Over time, your teeth will be moved to optimal placement.

2. True. Incognito hidden braces were developed in 2001 and provide a custom, comfortable method of smile correction. Incognito offers one of the smallest lingual braces systems available.

3. True. Patients using our Incognito lingual braces report less discomfort, minimal speech interference, and a faster treatment time. In addition, the Incognito system requires fewer appointments and adjustments, saving you time and money.

4. True. During your complimentary consultation, Dr. Alpan will perform a thorough oral examination to decide which of out orthodontic treatments will best address your smile issues.

Schedule an Appointment with Your Los Angeles Orthodontist

Interested in inconspicuous smile improvement with our breakthrough Incognito lingual braces system? Then talk to your Los Angeles orthodontist today. To make an appointment with Dr. David Alpan call (310) 888-0066 for a free initial consultation. Our 90211 dental office provides the latest in orthodontic care for the residents of Beverly Hills and surrounding communities. We also have offices located in Los Angeles and Las Vegas.