braces5Do you have a misaligned smile? Are your teeth crowded or crooked? At Aesthetic Orthodontics, we can offer the treatment necessary to improve the appearance of your smile. In today’s blog, your Los Angeles orthodontist, Dr. David Alpan, discusses our popular methods of smile correction.

Damon Braces

The Damon system employs metal brackets and wires to correct smiles. Unlike traditional braces however, the Damon system uses self-ligating braces. This reduces the treatment time and the number of adjustments necessary to restore your smile. The wires and brackets are smaller, providing a more comfortable and less noticeable method of smile improvement. Damon Clear uses clear brackets and the Damon 3 system uses half-metal and half-clear brackets. Finally, the Damon Q system uses the smallest sets of wires and brackets available.


Incognito braces are also referred to as “hidden braces.” This is because your Los Angeles CA orthodontist places the brackets and custom-shaped wire on the lingual, or tongue-facing, side. This system may be more expensive than traditional alternatives, but the treatment time is faster and the results can appear much quicker.


Invisalign provides practically invisible smile repair. Instead of wires and brackets, this system uses a series of clear plastic aligners. Over time, the aligners gradually and gently reposition the teeth. The aligners can be removed before meals and before brushing and flossing. As a result, patients don’t have to alter their diets and can experience improved oral hygiene. Invisalign also provides a system for teens, which uses a small blue dot on the end of each aligner. The dot helps ensure your teen is wearing the aligner for the required amount of time.

Schedule an Appointment with Your Los Angeles CA Orthodontist

Interested in improving the appearance of your smile? Then talk to your Los Angeles CA orthodontist today. Dr. Alpan will decide which of our orthodontic procedures will best improve your smile. To make an appointment with Dr. David Alpan call (310) 888-0066 for a free initial consultation. Our 90211 dental office provides the latest in orthodontic care for the residents of Los Angeles and surrounding communities. We also have offices located in Las Vegas and Beverly Hills.