LAS VEGAS, NEVADA – A better looking smile might be the motivation for some people to get orthodontic treatment, but Dr. David Alpan, a Las Vegas braces provider, says the benefits of braces extend much further than that.

“Misaligned teeth and an incorrect bite are often to blame for a variety of physical conditions,” says Dr. Alpan. “It can also be the source of ridicule, stress or poor self-confidence.”

Malocclusion, which means a bad bite, can cause speech impediments, jaw or TMJ pain, difficulty chewing and eating, sleep apnea caused by mouth breathing and snoring, grinding or clenching of the teeth, gum disease and tooth decay.

Because of the far-reaching effects of a malocclusion, the American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children should be seen for their first orthodontic consultation no later than age seven. This is about the time when children’s permanent teeth usually start to erupt and orthodontic problems become more obvious.

“That may sound early for a screening but jaw development can be guided into better alignment to prevent problems, and sometimes it reduces and simplifies treatment needed later,” says Dr. Alpan, who offers braces for children and adults.

There are three main types of malocclusions, and all of them can be corrected through orthodontic treatment. Class I malocclusion refers to crowded teeth that are crooked or protrude.
People with an overbite or buck teeth have a Class II malocclusion. Class III malocclusion is an underbite due to a lower jaw that is too big or the upper jaw is too small.
“The benefits of correcting problems early with orthodontics for children can be quite significant,” Dr. Alpan says.

Aligned teeth are easier to properly brush and floss, which are essential for good dental health. Orthodontic treatment can eliminate mouth breathing and establish a better, healthier sleep pattern early in life. Braces that correct the source of a speech impediment can be a big boost to self-esteem, especially in children who may be ridiculed at school because of it.

“Of course, aesthetics play an important role in orthodontics as well,” says Dr. Alpan. “Many adult patients seek treatment to boost self-confidence or improve their appearance for dating or work.”

Dr. Alpan offers orthodontic treatment of all kinds at his practice Aesthetic Orthodontics in Las Vegas, Beverly Hills and Los Angeles. He uses traditional metal braces, gold braces, self-ligating Damon braces, lingual braces like Incognito and temporary anchorage devices.

“The most popular treatment for adults and teens is Invisalign, the invisible braces option,” Dr. Alpan says.

These clear aligners gradually move teeth into position with a series of clear, removable teeth aligners. The system was so popular that the company released a line specifically for teens. One change in the teen version was a blue dot on one of the back molars inside the aligner that fades if it is worn as prescribed. (

Dr. Alpan has been considered one of the top three Invisalign providers in the world since 2000. He says his patients often choose Invisalign because of its many benefits, such as fewer office visits and the ability to remove the aligners for dental care and special occasions. Treatment time is on average a year.

“Braces straighten teeth, but they are so much more than that,” says Dr. Alpan. “Schedule a consultation to find out how orthodontics can help you.”