LAS VEGAS, NEVADA-Finishing orthodontic treatment is always exciting, and nothing is better than the big reveal to family and friends. But there is a way to up the wow factor even more: teeth whitening.

Dr. David Alpan, who provides orthodontics for children and adults, is offering his patients a teeth whitening procedure that puts the finishing touch on orthodontic treatment, and he is offering it for more than half off regular price until September 30.

A complete ZOOM! teeth whitening treatment with the additional home bleaching maintenance kit regularly costs $600, but for a limited time only, Invisalign specialist Dr. Alpan is offering the treatment for just $250.

The ZOOM! teeth whitening procedure can get a smile looking its best again after lifestyle choices and aging take their toll on teeth. Many things people do on a regular basis can stain and darken teeth like drinking coffee, tea, cola and red wine or using any tobacco product, according to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. Lax dental hygiene and neglecting routine exams and professional cleanings can result in stained teeth as well.

The whitening is done in the office, and it is fast and easy. Patients typically see dramatic results after the 60 to 90 minute treatment. The cost of the procedure includes the at-home ZOOM! custom fit trays and whitening gels for touching up when needed.

“One of the benefits of ZOOM! is that there is less reported tooth sensitivity compared to other types of whitening procedures,” says Dr. Alpan, an adult and children’s orthodontist. He does recommend that patients with previous experience with tooth sensitivity discuss whether ZOOM! is the best option for teeth whitening prior to receiving treatment.

For best results, patients should follow the post-whitening dental care instructions, which are to brush twice daily, floss once a day, and see their dental care provider for biannual dental checkups and cleanings. Avoiding the foods, drinks and products that caused the staining in the first place or rinsing with water and brushing teeth afterwards can prevent those stains from building up on the tooth’s enamel again.

“My patients love that ZOOM! is fast, long-lasting and effective. It is the crowning touch on their beautiful new straight smile,” says Dr. Alpan, who is also a Las Vegas TMJ dentist.

© 2012 Dr. David Alpan and Master Google. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Dr. David Alpan and Master Google are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this press release is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.