Los Angeles 213-513-7559
Century City 213-632-3702
Woodland Hills 818-210-3913
Glendale 213-354-8695
Larchmont 323-443-1339
Click on any of the locations below to learn more and schedule an appointment today.
Los Angeles
Our Downtown Los Angeles location is proud to offer Invisalign.
Woodland Hills
Alpan Orthodontics in Woodland Hills offers treatment based in best practices.
Century City
A family tradition of enhancing smiles over 3 generations of Dr. Alpan’s practicing in Century City
Beverly Hills
Dr. Alpan has been a practicing Orthodontist in Beverly Hills since 1998.
We provide free Invisalign consultations all year round! Why go anywhere else?
We’re proud to offer one of the highest quality orthodontic treatment options available.
Alpan Orthodontics is committed to utilizing the latest innovations to create beautiful smiles.
12345 North Main Street
Phone: 1.888.678.9876
Email: info@your-domain.com
Web: https://avada.theme-fusion.com
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