Los Angeles, CA – We recently attended the GAC – Pride institute (Future Proof Your Practice) seminar. Here we learned from Top Orthodontist Lou Shuman, DMD, the importance of Future proofing our Orthodontic Practice utilizing social media to communicate with our patients. Social media has opened up the doors for our patient to communicate with us in our Orthodontic Practice says Dr. David Alpan. Before Social media the only means of communication between the office and patient was during monthly visits or over the telephone. Times have sure changed and we are now in the digital age where communication is almost instant!

Dr. David Alpan and staff have embraced the world or social media to help better serve our patients needs and has made communication between staff & patients much easier. You can now find us on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, instagram and our very own Blog to name a few. We look forward to communicating with you and ask that you Like Us on Facebook follow us on Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram!