Make A Better Smile A Reality For Your Teen

Larchmont braces provider Dr. David Alpan encourages parents to learn more about the discreet, comfortable, fast orthodontic treatment options for teenagers and the flexible financing available at his office.

Make A Better Smile A Reality For Your Teen2012-08-28T07:16:50+00:00

Dreaming of Teeth?

Have you ever had a dream that your teeth were falling out? Perhaps your teeth crumbled in your hands, or you watched the rot and slowly fall out? All of these are extremely common dreams, but they can leave behind horrifying images and be very disturbing. So what do these dreams mean? Among the dream community, there are a few accepted interpretations.

Dreaming of Teeth?2012-05-31T16:46:00+00:00


This is a great video of the end of the [...]


Face Value

In our society and culture, a full smile showing teeth [...]

Face Value2011-09-13T09:18:19+00:00
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