LAS VEGAS, NEVADA-If the long-term consequences of tobacco use on overall health haven’t convinced you to quit, consider the imminent dangers tobacco causes your pearly whites and how it could jeopardize the investment you made in orthodontics.

Dr. David Alpan, who provides Las Vegas invisible braces, is joining with the World Health Organization’s Tobacco Free Initiative and drawing attention to the oral and orthodontic side effects of tobacco use.

“There’s no denying that tobacco products are deadly, but many people don’t realize how much they impact oral health and the effectiveness of orthodontics,” he says.

World No Tobacco Day is an annual event held on May 31 with the mission to raise awareness and reduce the number of tobacco-related diseases and deaths around the world, which is the leading preventable cause of death. More than 5 million people died last year from some sort of tobacco-related illness, such as heart attack, stroke, cancer or lung ailment, among many others.

Those are heavy-duty consequences but because they happen slowly over a long period of time, they might be easier for some people to ignore. However, tobacco use also has a negative impact on the mouth that is easily visible and could cause pain, embarrassment or discomfort right now:

  1. Increased risk of dental decay, gum recession, periodontal disease and oral cancer.
  2. Slower recovery time between orthodontic appointments and after oral infections or surgeries.
  3. Aesthetic or comfort problems, such as bad breath, staining on and around orthodontic brackets like Damon clear braces, mouth sores that can be aggravated by orthodontic appliances and wrinkles around the mouth that make a less than ideal frame for teeth following orthodontic treatment.

“My main goal as an orthodontist is to give each patient a beautiful, healthy smile that will last a lifetime, which is why I’m concerned about tobacco use and its far-reaching effects, says Dr. Alpan, who is also a specialist as a TMJ dentist and Invisalign Teen provider.

Quitting means a more aesthetically pleasing finished appearance and may result in a faster treatment time, but more importantly, it means better health for your mouth and your body. Our Las Vegas orthodontics office is here to support patients who want to improve their quality of life. We want to help however we can, whether the patient has questions or concerns about the effects of tobacco use on their orthodontics or simply needs a cheering section.

For more information about the Tobacco Free Initiative and oral health risks, visit the World Health Organization website. Resources and information about quitting are available at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.